I'm nothing if not consistent. If there's a pattern, I tend to follow it. I'm pretty much a creature of habit.
Although, it must be said, some of my habits are pretty much unspeakable. But that's a topic for another post, preferably one when I'm on the wrong side of Quite A Bit Of Wine.
But the fact remains that I always do what I've always done. If you see what I mean. And at no time is that more the case than November each year.
Last year I spent the month writing. For two (or was it three?) Novembers beforehand, I also spent the month writing. 2011 was Nanowrimo, when I wrote a 62,000 word novel. The prior three (or was it two?) years I spent doing Nablopomo, where you write a brand new blog post every day for a month.
So. It's 1 November. What am I going to do this year?
Well, I'm not writing another novel, that's for sure. I haven't got the last one to a state where other people could read it without me being extravagantly embarrassed. I think I may have mentioned this before. I really want to set some time aside to see what I can do with it.
But if I sit down every day this month to come up with something new in terms of blog entries, I won't have time for anything else. It's all I can do to put my trousers on the right way around every day. To be honest, folks, anything else you get from me is a bit of a bonus.
I look around me and have talented and hardworking friends who are doing the novel thing again. Others are going to add to the sum of human knowledge with witty and apposite blog posts every day. They'll be telling everyone about it. It will be exciting and creative.
Bloody show-offs.
So I'm starting a new challenge. NaNoWriLaYeEdReWriMo. Snappy, isn't it?
It's National Novel Written Last Year Editing & ReWriting Month. Let's see how we go, shall we?
And yes, I realise that by writing a blog post on 1 November I am technically still participating in Nablopomo at the moment. But seriously, who are we kidding? Tomorrow is Friday pasta-red-wine-and-crap-telly night. I'm so easily distracted these days.
See you at the other end.