We've been once again to our favourite corner of Wales. We've been going there for something like 13 years now. It saves buying maps, I suppose.
Anyway, this year we were joined by Brother no.1 and his wife, which placed a whole new dimension on proceedings. Brother no. 1 is the oldest, most sensible of us all. As a result, we should have expected a certain degree of responsibility and good behaviour.
How quickly the expectations were to be cruelly dashed.
This, for instance, was the view from the steep hill - no, the Steep Hill - he decided two of us were going to climb.

My brother and I have over 80 years between us. We have mortgages and other grown-up appendages. We could easily have discussions about human rights, macroeconomic policy and the arts. Instead we chose to complain to our long-suffering wives, over pints of Brains*, about jetpacks and the lack thereof.
"Look," said B#1. "A stream! Let's play Pooh Sticks. I've already got a stick."

Nevertheless, we stood and played Pooh Stick. Our Stick got Stuck, so we threw stones at it to clear it. As it drifted onwards, we celebrated. "On, on it goes! To the ocean, the spiritual home of all Pooh Sticks!" It's probably best that our wives weren't there to witness this regression.
One more thing. Wales in late September, yet we had warm sunshine for a week. Proof?
That's B#1 at the start and end of the video, fiddling with his phone. The things some people will do to get a decent signal.
*(Brains is a Welsh brewer. We hadn't actually been transformed into Zombies).
I had a bottle of Brains this afternoon (SA Gold) and I had to clarify about the zombie thing too.
Welcome back.
Ah Solva - lush! Did he really expect a signal that far west of Carmarthen? Bless!
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